Welcome to AncestorRecords.co.uk

Your leading choice for convenient access to family tree and genealogical records on the web.

Whether you want to see where your family came from when they first arrived in America or need to fill out some blank spots on your family tree, you can use our resources to find exactly what you need. Feel free to browse our site to see what we offer and then stick around as you work on your history.

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Many or all of the companies featured provide compensation to us. These commissions are how we maintain our free service for consumers. Compensation, along with hours of in-depth research, determines where & how companies appear on our site.

Advertising Disclosure:
Many or all of the companies featured provide compensation to us. These commissions are how we maintain our free service for consumers. Compensation, along with hours of in-depth research, determines where & how companies appear on our site.

What You Can Find

Deciding to create a family tree isn’t something that you come up with on the spur of the moment. Many people think about that tree for years before finally deciding to build one. You can start with the basic information that you already have, including your name and date of birth and the date of birth and name of each one of your parents. It’s then a simple matter of adding more names and information to each branch to represent their parents and other family members. A big issue you might encounter is that you don’t know where people go on that tree or what information pertains to them. That is why you can use AncestorRecords.co.uk to find different types of records, including:

Why Use the Site

The number one reason why we recommend using our site is that we give you the starting point that you so desperately need. Deciding where to start is easily one of the hardest parts of looking for genealogical records. If you have a common last name such as Smith or Williams, you’ll likely come across records of people with the same name who have nothing in common with your family. Even if you have a less common last name, you’ll likely find records that don’t pertain to your family. The record searches we provide access to can help you find people related to you and information that you can use on your family tree.

How to Search Online

One of the best ways to start your online search is with information that you know is true or accurate. If you know where your grandparents exchanged vows and the date of their marriage, you can quickly find their marriage certificate or license. That document will show you who was there when they exchanged vows and the birth dates of your grandparents. You can also use basic information to expand your search and find records you never thought about using before. We highly recommend checking out all the information we offer and using those sites to see which ones will help you as you track your family.

Start Your Search Today

It’s extremely easy to put off family research. Some of the excuses you might use include that it’s too hard or that it will cost too much money. The Mormon Church maintains one of the largest databases of genealogical records in the world and offers many of those records online. You can access that database and do a quick search for your family without paying a cent. Those are not the only records available for researchers though.

At AncestorRecords.co.uk, you’ll find a wide range of records and information that you can use to trace the roots of your family and build a family tree. You’ll also find resources that let you connect with others who can help with your search. There is no time like the present to start your search. All you need is a name and something else to help you search. You can use AncestorRecords.co.uk to find all the loved ones worthy of a spot on your family tree.